Monday, July 25, 2005

Are union members finally seeing the light? - Money - Teamsters, SEIU Bolt From AFL-CIO

"I do not believe that anybody in the AFL or any other organized labor group is at fault," said Bill Brumfield, who supports the AFL-CIO leadership. "The conservatism of the country has driven a wedge between workers and organized labor."

This is so true, I would say the majority of Verizon workers are conservative. We all know our union dues go to the democratic party and it sickens us. The union is good and it protects us; dont get me wrong. I am not sure that conservatism is actually the reason of the unions departing the AFL-CIO...who knows?

I found this on the Cato Institute's website:
"On April 13, 1992, in what many consider to be nothing more than an act of political opportunism, President Bush issued Executive Order 12800, which requires all federal contractors to inform their employees of their "Beck rights." The order stems from a 1988 U.S. Supreme Court opinion, Communications Workers of America v. Beck, in which the Court declared that employees forced to pay union dues under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) do not have to contribute to a union's partisan political activities. The Communications Workers of Americahad been using as much as 79 percent of Harry Beck's dues for such activities, almost all in support of Democratic party candidates."-1992-Charles W. Baird

CWA is of course my union...I thought I remembered this happening...the democrats call it an act of political opportunism. It is the act of telling the members what the hell the union spends their dues on! By the way Clinton repealed the order in 1993 so it was only used for a few months...and I still have no idea what the dues are spent on.

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